About Me

Wiki Article

So here's the thing about my name - it's Jenna. You might think that this is quite common. This shouldn't fool you. You are all unique and different, just as everyone else on the planet. 26 years ago, I was born and raised in Michigan. There I lived until college. In those formative years I worked odd jobs like scooping icecream or cleaning horsestalls before finding my true calling, which was to be a freelancer. My days are spent typing, sipping copious amounts of coffee, and occasionally stopping to admire memes on Instagram. Exciting stuff, right? I'm a content writer with experience across many industries. I strongly believe in storytelling as a way to connect with audiences. Hire me if you are looking for a wordsmith who can bring your brand to life. (Disclaimer, I cannot clean horse stalls anymore. My back hurts too bad.

These are just a few movies

zombies wearing helmets
Interstellar Collection of Movies
Brain Munching Monsters
Zombie Zady

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